A reverie
I sit still, withdrawn from the World. The forest keeps me in Her arms, the trees moving gently the same time I breathe; it feels as if my own breath gives life to the tall trees surrounding me.
I rest my back against a heavy trunk and I close my eyes. The forest takes me away, swallows me and throws my gaze above, to where I can see her trees turning into long, dancing fingers. The forest grows farther away and I can see a vast body, a woman’s body moving swiftly through the stream of life. Her body has peaks and valleys and rivers of glittering waters flow down across her majestic being. I can see the water moving, both fast and slow; I can feel the rocks underneath the streams, so much and so intense that I begin to feel I have become them. My entire existence feels poured over, continuously flooded with deep waters. I see rivers, I sense rivers. I am rivers.
My vision shifts and I see tall mountains, covered in endless ground, warm, dark, moist ground. It embraces me, it covers me. I feel engulfed in warmth, covered with an affectionate blanket of earthy scent.
I move my gaze and I can see small birds flying away, free and gracious; their dance look like hair locks on Nature’s body. I can see her entire body and it’s beautiful.
It’s power, earthiness, gentleness and firm existence assures me of who I am and places me where I belong.
I am the creation of Nature and Nature is the creation of me.