An Ode to Loss
Loss…He was an imperfectly-made God, so he was cast out of Heaven. He fell hard against the surface of the Earth, on a cold winter night, in the deserted fields of Confusion.
He wandered and wondered, walking aimlessly, trying to find the daylight so he can see where he is. After many hours walking, he saw a glimpse of light rising up from the East. He couldn’t see the Sun but he noticed a silhouette walking towards him, getting closer. The silhouette was a tall woman. She walked slowly while her dark hair flew carelessly in the air with the current.
She approached him and placed her long hands on both his shoulders. Her eyes were black and shined like diamonds. He feared that, if he looked too much into them, he might drown and get lost forever.
She kissed his lips and slowly began to disintegrate herself into his body. Her being became particles and as they flew up in the air, they got absorbed into him. Her lips, her eyes, her eyebrows, her hair. She was disappearing into him and he had no way to stop this. He never knew a touch like hers could ever exist. For a moment, he wanted to put his arms around her but discovered his fingers were only scanning thin air. Trying to embrace her, all he could do was wrap his arms around himself. In doing so, he could sense his body was rising, higher and higher. He began ascending, his heart was racing and his entire being felt close to bursting into flames. Agony and bliss were so high, he couldn’t take the wisdom of this woman’s lips on his any longer. He went higher while his body began to shine. The pull towards the canvas of the Sky was too intense to refuse it. It got him higher and higher until his body and spirit became one with the Sky.
He was shining; tall and bright. He was not the imperfect God anymore. He was not the lost wanderer of night anymore.
He became The Sun.
No longer a loss.
But a transformation.