Which diet is the BEST ?
You probably heard a lot of buzz about Paleo, IF, Atkins, Low Carb. You keep reading that carbs are evil. Or that fats are bad. Well, which one is it?
There’s a lot of hype in the fitness industry. Most of the hype is promoted by sponsored public figures or maybe by biased opinions of influencers. There’s nothing wrong with that, I actually believe it’s imperative to “spread the word” out there, to share any info we have, so we can help change the world into a better place.
The problem arises when there’s too much noise stating the opposite. That’s when the common folk or lady gets confused.
While I’m not here to give you reference to certain science studies, I will tell you this:
ANY diet can work, providing you will put in enough work and time to stick with it.
But besides the consistency aspect and the duration one has to invest in a specific type of dieting, there’s one aspect that keeps getting overlooked.
Look here…
How many times you read about diet X being “the best” or maybe it happened that you paid an online coach and that coach gave you a certain food plan you were required to follow.
Don’t be fooled into thinking “oh this means I can actually have complete flexibility and eat what the fuck I want whenever I want it, right!?”
Well, no.
But it definitely means you need to develop a sound approach to reaching your goals.
Sometimes, I prefer food plans to a more flexible approach. Othertimes, it’s exactly the opposite, going into a very flexible food style.
“ But I don’t get it. Which is which? “
If there’s a key point I want you to take from this, it’s the following: learn as much as you can about nutrition and only take advice from people who’s results can be sustainable on the loooong term.
Sure, you can follow a super strict 1000 calories plan for a month. Maybe two months. Perhaps even 3 months…But how long will you keep that up?
How long before you start showing signs of lack of control and binge your way into a whole weekend?
How much can you keep a healthy balanced approach to food if the only things you eat are green or grilled?
“Then…you say I should try different things?”
Hell yes!
See how you behave, how you react, how you feel on certain foods, on different eating patterns. See which foods help you get closer to your goals. See what plans are working for you.
Don’t just take what’s being put up there as a genuinely absolute truth.
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